
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Education in Palliative and End-of-life Care


October 16-17, 2014 "Become an EPEC Trainer” Conference, Oak Brook, IL
October 16-17, 2014 "Become an EPEC-EM Trainer” Conference, Oak Brook, IL
October 17-18, 2014 Professional Development Workshop, Oak Brook, IL
To view the conference brochure click here
Ask about our new discounts for residents and non-physicians (Contact us for details: 312/503-3732)
Hyatt Lodge
2815 Jorie Boulevard
Oak Brook, IL 60523

Reservations (by Sep 17)
Book your room by calling 888/421-1442 and refer to Northwestern or

"Become an EPEC Trainer" Conference Professional Development Workshop (PDW)
The "Become an EPEC Trainer" Conference is a two-day conference for participants who want to become EPEC trainers in order to teach the essential clinical competencies of palliative care to others. Topics covered include symptom management, communication skills, and ethics relevant to palliative care. Participants are exposed to a variety of education techniques based on adult learning principles, including interactive lecture, role play, and case-based teaching. In addition, participants receive EPEC educational materials including the EPEC Curriculum, PowerPoint slides, and trigger videos. Upon completion of the conference, participants are designated as EPEC Trainers and are encouraged to use their knowledge and skills to educate fellow clinicians in the core competencies of palliative and end-of-life care.
Past conferences have offered specialty tracks in EPEC - Oncology and EPEC - Emergency Medicine. For more information about specialty tracks available this year, please refer to the conference dates listed at the top of this page.
The Professional Development Workshop (PDW) takes place immediately following the ‘Become an EPEC Trainer’ Conference. This two-day workshop is intended to familiarize participants with the theory and practice of adult learning and clinical practice improvement. Individuals who want to further enhance their teaching and leadership skills are welcome at this workshop. Day 1 of the PDW focuses on improving teaching skills. Attendees will first learn about teaching methods in didactic sessions and will then participate in hands-on practice techniques. Day 2 of the PDW emphasizes practice improvement and includes practical exercises that demonstrate the skills of team building, systems research, and advocacy. Participation in a PDW is necessary for those who aspire to the position of EPEC Master Facilitator. Participants can opt to enroll for the first day if the goal is to improve teaching skills, or they can enroll for both days if they also want to learn practice improvement methods.
For additional information about EPEC, please see our Program Design page.
Conference attendees may register for either the "Become an EPEC Trainer", "Become an EPEC - EM Trainer" Conference or the Professional Development Workshop or may register for a combination of a "Trainer" Conference and PDW. Available combinations include the "Trainer" Conference plus only Day 1 of the PDW, which focuses on teaching skills, or the "Trainer" Conference plus both days of the PDW. See registration options below.
What attendees have said about our conferences:
“I think all physicians should be required to attend such a conference. I believe it would make them better practitioners. We would see an increase in family and patient satisfaction.”
“I think it would be hard to attend [the conference] and not be changed by it.”

“The course and materials have given me the motivation to get out of my busy office and share with my colleagues from a fund of knowledge I’ve obtained in hospice care for the past 10-12 years.”
'Become an EPEC Trainer' Conference: October 16-17, 2014 (click for details)
'Become an EPEC-EM Trainer' Conference: October 16-17, 2014 (click for details)
Professional Development Workshop: October 17-18, 2014 (click for details)
'Become an EPEC - Emergency Trainer' Conference + PDW (Day 2): October 16 - 18, 2014 (click for details)
'Become an EPEC Trainer' Conference + Professional Development Workshop: October 16-18 (click for details)

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