
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Impact of Epidural Analgesia on Quality of Life and Pain in Advanced Cancer Patients


Patients with advanced cancer often experience chronic postoperative pain and poor quality of life. The objective of this study was to determine if epidural self-controlled analgesia reduced the incidence of chronic pain and improved the quality of life when compared with intravenous self-controlled analgesia. A total of 50 patients diagnosed with advanced cancer who received analgesia treatment were randomly divided into two groups, epidural self-controlled analgesia group (EA group, n = 26) and intravenous self-controlled analgesia group (IA group, n = 24). Visual analog scale (VAS) and Karnofsky score were used to assess the pain and the quality of life, respectively. A multifunction monitor was used to continuously record the physical signs of patients after treatment. The physical signs, such as heart failure, respiration, pulse, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation, in the two groups were better after analgesia treatment. Meanwhile, the respiration and oxygen saturation in the EA group were significantly improved compared with that of the IA group (p < .05). The VAS in the EA group was significantly lower than that in the IA group (p < .05), and the Karnofsky score in the EA group was significantly higher than that in the IA group (p < .05). Moreover, patients treated with EA felt more satisfied and experienced fewer complications than those with IA (p < .05). The epidural self-controlled analgesia may greatly improve the quality of life and relieve the pain in patients with advanced cancer.
Qun-hui He and Qing-Ling Liu are co-first authors, and they contributed equally to this work.

Address correspondence to Yong-Gang Xie, Department of Anesthesiology, Yuhuangding Hospital Affiliated to Medical College of Qingdao University, 20 Yuhuangding East Road, Yantai 264000, P. R. China.

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