Letter to Cancer Center Directors:
Progress in Quantitative Imaging As a Means to Predict and/or Measure Tumor Response in Cancer Therapy Trials
- © 2014 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
- James M. Mountz⇑
- Corresponding author: James M. Mountz, MD, PhD, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Health System, University of Pittsburgh, PET Facility, B-932, 200 Lothrop St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213; e-mail: mountzjm@upmc.edu.
The purpose of this correspondence is to
alert cancer center directors and their associated biomedical imaging
programs about
recent progress in quantitative imaging as a means
to predict and/or measure tumor response to drug or radiation therapy,
a development that is critical to (for example)
implementing adaptive therapy trial designs. There have been a number of
in this area by the National Cancer Institute (NCI)
and the Radiological Society of North America (eg, the Quantitative
Biomarkers Alliance1)
to advance quantitative imaging methods that can be readily adopted by
the NCI-funded cancer centers. These efforts can
potentially position the NCI-funded cancer centers
to collectively share resources to implement quantitative imaging
into clinical trials. One substantive step cancer
centers could take is to implement a formalized and systematic process
collaborate with radiology departments and imaging
research centers to integrate advanced imaging into the clinical trial
development process. As a result, oncology trial
designs would be more likely to include appropriate imaging measures to
accurate staging, intratherapy assessment, and
follow-up evaluations.
By way of background, there is a growing
need in both clinical practice and clinical trials for quantitative
methods that
can sensitively and accurately detect—and even
predict—the response of tumors to therapy. Newly developed imaging
are showing promise by offering quantitative
decision support results with only minimally invasive and
user-independent methods.
This capability necessarily involves advanced
imaging methods that go beyond traditional radiography (eg, computed
or anatomic magnetic resonance imaging). Indeed,
advanced imaging may provide more clinically relevant
in the context of targeted molecular therapeutics,
the initial activities of which may be cytostatic, rather than
In addition, inflammatory responses to radiation
and vascular disruptive agents have also challenged response assessment,
with determination of progression versus
pseudoprogression being particularly problematic.
The NCI has long recognized the potential
of advanced quantitative imaging to provide minimally invasive
biomarkers related
to the underlying pathophysiological status of
cancer, and to monitor the effects of targeted cancer therapies.2
Because advanced imaging methods are likely to provide an early
indication of therapeutic efficacy, and can be repeated throughout
a course of therapy to provide frequent monitoring
of response, they are likely to play a fundamental role in guiding
management in the future.3 As directors of NCI-designated cancer centers, you are uniquely positioned to initiate the important step of incorporating
advanced imaging to improve the quality of clinical trials and, ultimately, patient care.
To expedite the development of advanced
imaging biomarkers, the NCI established the Quantitative Imaging Network
(QIN) in
2008 with its mission to “improve the role of
quantitative imaging for clinical decision making in oncology by the
and validation of data acquisition, analysis
methods, and tools to tailor treatment to individual patients and to
or monitor the response to drug or radiation
QIN goals are to provide technical resources to support the
incorporation of advanced imaging into clinical trials. For example,
technical and methodologic developments in
quantitative dynamic positron emission tomography and comprehensive
magnetic resonance imaging within the QIN have led
to the maturation of a number of advanced imaging techniques to the
that they can be readily deployed in clinical
trials. Specific examples include data collection methods for positron
tomography/computed tomography that are minimally
dependent on the different commercial imaging platforms, and methods of
analysis that minimize operator dependence. In
addition, NCI and QIN members are supporting public resources to permit
and tool sharing across the NCI-funded cancer
centers to help develop a pipeline for greater adoption of more
clinical protocols.
In light of these developments, the Executive Committee of the QIN (Appendix Fig A1,
online only) recommends that reinvigorated steps be taken to
incorporate quantitative imaging methods into clinical trials
whenever appropriate. Within an individual cancer
center, we stress the importance of establishing an image analysis and
management laboratory that provides advanced
imaging support from trial design to data analysis. Building this
requires establishing a strong collaboration among
the cancer center leadership, the clinical trials office, the department
of radiology and biomedical imaging research
institute, and oncologists (radiation, medical, and surgical). This
often includes
expertise in bioinformatics, computer engineering,
medical physics, and statistics that are naturally coordinated through
the cancer centers. A mature knowledge base now
exists (eg, the members of the QIN) to guide those who are interested in
such a program, and we encourage you to consider
taking the first steps toward establishing a quantitative imaging
for cancer clinical trials at your institution.
Although all authors completed the
disclosure declaration, the following author(s) and/or an author's
immediate family member(s)
indicated a financial or other interest that is
relevant to the subject matter under consideration in this article.
relationships marked with a “U” are those for
which no compensation was received; those relationships marked with a
“C” were
compensated. For a detailed description of the
disclosure categories, or for more information about ASCO's conflict of
policy, please refer to the Author Disclosure
Declaration and the Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest
section in
Information for Contributors.
Employment or Leadership Position: Paul E. Kinahan, PET/X (U) Consultant or Advisory Role: James M. Mountz, ICON Medical Imaging; Thomas E. Yankeelov, Eli Lilly (C); Lawrence H. Schwartz, BioClinica (C), ICON Medical
Imaging (C); Richard L. Wahl, Nihon Medi-Physics (C), Cellectar (C) Stock Ownership: None Honoraria: Thomas E. Yankeelov, Eli Lilly; David A. Mankoff, GE Healthcare, Philips Medical, Siemens Medical Research Funding: Paul E. Kinahan, GE Healthcare Expert Testimony: None Patents, Royalties, and Licenses: Richard L. Wahl, Naviscan Other Remuneration: None
Supported in part by National Institutes
of Health Grant No. U01 CA140230 (J.M.M.) and P30 CA047904 (to
University of Pittsburgh).
Fig A1.
locations of the 19 network centers of the participating institutions in
the Quantitative Imaging Network (QIN).
The Executive Committee of the QIN primarily
consists of principal investigators from the National Cancer Institute
–funded U01 programs at each of the centers.
The QIN grew from the NCI program announcement “Quantitative Imaging for
of Responses to Cancer Therapies.”4
The network is designed to promote research and development of
quantitative imaging methods for the measurement of tumor
response to therapies in clinical trial
settings, with the overall goal of facilitating clinical decision
making. Projects
include the appropriate development and
adaptation/implementation of quantitative imaging methods, imaging
protocols, and
software solutions/tools (using existing
commercial imaging platforms and instrumentation) and application of
these methods
in current and planned clinical therapy
trials. UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles; UCSF, University of
San Francisco.
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