Social-cultural factors in end-of-life care in Belgium: A scoping of the research literature
- Erin VW Andrew
- Joachim Cohen
- Natalie Evans
- Arantza Meñaca
- Richard Harding
- Irene Higginson
- Robert Pool
- Marjolein Gysels on behalf of PRISMA
- Erin VW Andrew, Barcelona Centre for International Health Research (CRESIB, Hospital Clínic - Universitat de Barcelona), C/ Rosselló 132, 08036 Barcelona, Spain. Email:
Background: As end-of-life (EoL) care expands across Europe and the world, service developments are increasingly studied. The sociocultural
context in which such changes take place, however, is often neglected in research.
Aim: To explore sociocultural factors in EoL care in Belgium as represented by the literature.
Design: A scoping of the empirical research literature following a systematic search procedure with a focus on thematic analysis
based on the literature findings.
Data sources: Searches were carried out in eight electronic databases, five journals, reference lists, and grey literature (through September
2010). Articles informing about sociocultural issues in EoL care were included.
Results: One hundred
and fifteen original studies met the inclusion criteria, the majority
(107) published between 2000 and 2010.
Four major themes were: Setting; Caregivers;
Communication; and Medical EoL Decisions (the largest category).
Minority Ethnic
Groups was an emerging theme. Gaps included:
research in Wallonia and Brussels; the role and experiences of informal
issues of access to palliative care; and
experiences of minority ethnic groups. There was a paucity of in-depth
Conclusions: Various
sociocultural factors influence the provision of EoL care in Belgium.
This country provides a unique opportunity
to witness how euthanasia is put into practice
when legalized, in a context where palliative care is also highly
and where many health care institutions have
Catholic affiliation, providing an important example to others.
Attention to
how the sociocultural context affects EoL care
adds to the current evidence base of service provision, which is
in the further development of EoL care.
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