Saudi Arabia
J Family Community Med. 1997 Jul-Dec; 4(2): 41–46.
increasing life expectancy in Saudi Arabia will be accompanied by an
alteration of the patterns of disease similar to that in Western
countries. One of these will be cancer, the second leading cause of
death in the west at present, where 1:3 people develop cancer during
their lifetime and 1:4 die of it. Cancer deaths are rarely easy. The
distress particularly the pain it can cause is legendary. Palliative
care is the care and study of patients with active progressive far
advanced disease, where cure is impossible, the prognosis predictably
short, and the focus of care is the patient's quality of life. A
Palliative Care Program has been developed at KFSH&RC, since 1991.
This has broadened the spectrum of health services available to cancer
patients. Palliative care needs to be more widely available in the
kingdom to relieve an important cause of human suffering.
Keywords: Palliative Care Medicine, Cancer Treatment, Cancer Pain, Cancer Prevention
true incidence of cancer in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is just
now being assessed. Hospital statistics reflect patterns of referral,
rather than the real incidence of the various types of cancer. In 1993, a
National Cancer Registry (NCR) was established, to collect data from
all regions, the first report of which was published in 1996. Over the
next few years, the NCR will establish a baseline for the incidence of
cancer, and provide a means of monitoring the success of its treatment
for the whole country.
Much about cancer in KSA can be
deduced from the experience of other countries. Cancer is particularly a
disease of old age when it is one of the many causes of morbidity and
mortality. Although cancer becomes more common as we age, it differs
from other diseases of the elderly, in that cancer can occur at any age.
With its large population of young people, cancer in children is also a
significant problem in KSA. 12.6% of the cancer patients seen at King
Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) are
children. This is a much higher proportion than is seen in similar
referral centers in the West.1
The average life expectancy for men and women in the Middle East is
estimated as 62 years. While it is comparison is 75 years or more, in
the West.2
With the rapid improvements in nutrition, sanitation, housing, and the
highly effective vaccination programs that have been developed, the
Saudi populations life expectancy will rapidly increase. The national
census conducted in 1992, shows that the average life expectancy here is
already 70 years. We can reasonably predict that this increase in life
expectancy will be accompanied by an alteration in the patterns of
disease similar to that in Western countries; where infectious diseases
leading to premature death have been replaced by more chronic illnesses
of old age, such as heart disease, cancer, and cerebro-vascular disease.
In the USA, cancer accounts for 22% of all deaths, second only to heart
Generally, in Western countries, one in every three people will develop
cancer during their lifetime, and one in every four will die of it.
of Canada has provided a useful description of four phases of cancer
“prevention” covering all aspects of the disease: (1) Prevention of the
disease (public education and policy) (2) Prevention of advanced disease
(early diagnosis programs) (3) Prevention of death (anti-cancer
treatment) and (4) Prevention of suffering (palliative care)4
is one of the most treatable of all chronic illnesses. This aspect of
cancer is often overlooked, because the disease arouses such fear. It is
the most feared of all illnesses, and its diagnosis is usually
associated in the patient's mind with premature and unpleasant death. In
fact, however, in the West 40-50% of cancer patients will be cured;
that is, they will have a normal life expectancy for their age and sex.2 In children, the cure rates are even higher, over 60%.5
However, these figures rely upon the fact that 70% of cancer patients
in the West present “early” at stages 1 and 2. At KFSH&RC, only 30%
of patients present with localized stages 1 or 2 disease. Nearly 70%
have stage 3 or 4 advanced disease, consequently with a much worse
As these patients are accepted at this major tertiary referral center
on the basis of their likelihood of responding to treatment, other
centers are likely to see even more advanced disease. It is likely that
80% or more of cancer patients in this country present with advanced
disease, when cure rates will be low. Even so, after surgery,
chemotherapy, or radiotherapy, or by the use of one or all three
modalities, dramatic remissions can be obtained which may last from
months to years before the patient's condition deteriorates again. At
present, however, probably 70% or more of cancer patients in Saudi
Arabia will eventually die of their disease.
While there
is constant incremental progress in the treatment of cancer, with
improvements continually being introduced into the Kingdom, major
progress could be made if patients could be encouraged to report early.
This involves firstly, improving the public's awareness of their
personal health problems and the benefit of presenting early with their
symptoms, and secondly, ensuring that there is no delay in diagnosis and
treatment of patients with symptoms.
and Saleh interviewed one hundred Saudi patients with cancer. They
reported that 92% had an adverse reaction to the diagnosis, and the
median duration of symptoms was from 3-5 months. None had received
professional assistance for these problems, and the authors recommended
that psycho-social support be available to patients as part of their
total management.6
Bedikian in a further study interviewed two hundred and fifty healthy
Saudis on their attitudes and knowledge of cancer. This study revealed a
considerable degree of fear and anxiety about this disease.7
Similarly, Ibrahim et al, interviewed six hundred adults on their
attitudes to cancer and confirmed the high level of fear and
misconceptions about the disease.8 Both groups of authors called for a more comprehensive health education on the awareness of cancer as a treatable disease.
is as natural an event as being born. This is recognized by Islam and
its acceptance of death as an expression of God's will. In Western
countries where the population has a long life span and cancer is
common, dying of cancer has a special dimension that has made it the
most feared of all illnesses. This is because cancer deaths are rarely
easy. The distress it causes is legendary. Eighty percent of patients
dying of cancer will suffer pain, and in 60% it will be severe enough to
require strong analgesics of the morphine type.9
Pain is only one of the distressing symptoms caused by advanced cancer.
Anorexia, weight loss, tiredness, malaise, shortness of breath, and
confusion are some of the other many symptoms that cancer can cause as
it spreads to vital organs. Added to the physical distress of advancing
cancer, is the emotional distress about impending death.
explosion of medical technology and the opportunity to finally cure
major diseases began at the end of the nineteenth century. This new era
may have obscured the need to provide a supportive and caring
environment for patients with chronic illnesses. Cancer was once
considered by some to be an untreatable disease, and eminent physicians
were known to discharge cancer patients once they were diagnosed, on the
grounds that nothing further could be done for them. Presently, an
enormous amount of knowledge has evolved on the nature and treatment of
cancer. Much of this research for newer and better methods of cure has
been concentrated on changes at a cellular level. However, in the last
twenty years, a body of knowledge known as palliative medicine has
evolved for the treatment of the symptoms of advanced cancer, which has
failed to respond to anti-cancer treatments. This has now become a
specialized area of interest for doctors and nurses.10 While its practitioners are few, its attitudes are important to medical systems in general, for the following reasons:
1. Providing Continuity of Care
most Western countries, patient care is dependent upon the primary care
physician (family practitioner). This doctor will have a formal or
informal “contract” with an individual or family to undertake their
medical care and act on their behalf at all times. A well organized
family practice or polyclinic will have a computerized “template” of
routine examinations, screening investigations, and a complete medical
record of the patient and their family environment. When a patient has a
terminal illness, he has a doctor he knows and can trust, and in turn
the doctor knows both the patient and his family. This continuity of
care is important, particularly for chronic illnesses and for a terminal
disease. It means that “no cure” is not the same as “no care”.
Unfortunately, at present, in Saudi Arabia, continuing care of patients
with either a terminal or chronic illness, even as outpatients is
provided mainly by a hospital service.11 This type of care should become an essential part of the primary health care system of the Kingdom.
2. Cure or Palliation?
Saudi Arabia the emphasis for cancer patients is on curative treatment.
There is a strong tendency here to deny the patient information on
their illness. This is a problem shared by other countries, but in the
last twenty years doctors in Western countries, have treated the
individual patient as an independent agent, capable of receiving
information and acting upon it. This allows the individual patient to
give true informed consent after evaluating the advantages and
disadvantages of the proposed treatment. This also allows the patient to
participate more fully and cooperate with the treatment, and with such
compliance improve the chance of success.12
In Saudi Arabia, the predominant principle is “beneficence”, where the
patient is viewed as a member of the larger family that is responsible
for the patient. The consent for the patient's treatment is usually a
substitute consent by the family, whose purpose is to avoid disturbing
the patient emotionally. Thus the family considers it their duty to
protect the patient from harm. Telling patient the truth, would impair
his ability to cope with the situation and may consequently lose hope.
This attitude seems to apply particularly to female patients. However,
Abu Aisha wrote that, it is recognized in Saudi Arabian law that a woman
is legally considered a responsible citizen. It follows, therefore,
that an adult female patient of sound mind has the right to give her own
consent after being adequately informed of the nature of her illness.13 There is now ample evidence that patients cope better with a serious illness if they are informed.12
Without such vital information on their illness Saudi patients will
continue to travel overseas at considerable cost, with the unrealistic
expectation of a cure. Unfortunately, the development of market medicine
elsewhere in the world feeds this expectation, giving treatment which
may be neither necessary nor appropriate. If the only purpose of
medicine is that of saving people from death, then obviously, medicine
cannot win. The art of good medical practice, is to decide when life is
no longer sustainable, and therefore, to allow death to occur without
further impediment.14 Physicians should also bear some responsibility for the quality of their patient's death.15
3. The Relief of Pain
pain, particularly as it occurs in cancer, has several distressing
features: it gets progressively worse, it has no meaning, creates a
feeling of hopelessness, dominates the patient's life, and can destroy
their will to live.
One part of pain is its perception,
the other the emotional response to it. This is why people experience
different degrees of pain. Pain is precisely what the patient says it
is, and hurts as much as they say it hurts. Pre-conceived ideas of how
much pain patients will or should have are best avoided. There is a
general lack of knowledge of pain relief in the Kingdom, and in many
hospitals adequate analgesics of the morphine type are simply not
available. There is an unreasonable fear of morphine addiction amongst
patients and their families, but studies have convincingly shown that
addiction is never a problem in a terminal illness.16
important point for doctors to know is that no patient needs to suffer
pain so severe that their work, sleep, and quality of life are ruined.
It should be rare for dying cancer patients to have uncontrolled pain.
The World Health Organization recommends a three-step process in pain
control moving from simple analgesics such as tylenol at the first
stage, to tylenol and codeine based compounds ± NSAID's at the second
stage, and morphine or similar compounds for patients with severe or
step 3 pain.19
Each of these regimens require that medications be given regularly
around the clock, not PRN. This requires careful monitoring by the
physician of the patient's pain level, and their response to
medications. Regular analgesics and continuity of care is the secret to
good pain control.
family unit is the structural foundation of Saudi society. The
impression is that patients here cope better with a terminal illness in
their home, than happens elsewhere in the West. This is probably because
of the close family bonds and their strong Islamic faith with its
obligation to provide for parents or children in case of need, to help
make their lives as comfortable as possible. The corollary of this is,
that a small input of medical and nursing care, results in a magnified
response by the extended family to the care for a patient. This can be
very gratifying to the doctor and nurse.
There is an impression that palliative care in the Kingdom is confused with euthanasia, which is totally forbidden by Islam.17
Palliative care is the moral and ethical alternative to euthanasia.
Providing comfort, relieving distress, controlling pain, and offering a
service that is available 24 hours a day, sustains the patient's hope.
It is not based on the false hope of providing inappropriate and
ineffective treatments. This society quite rightly sets great store on
hope, and palliative care increases that hope, that each day may be more
comfortable than the last.
1991, a Home Health Care Program was developed at KFSH&RC. This was
in response to concerns by staff regarding the distress suffered by
patients with terminal cancer, and the loss of the benefits of good
quality medical care once the patient returned home.18
Two years of planning and research went into developing the program.
What began as essentially a nursing service for patients with a terminal
illness, developed over the years into a nursing and medical service.
These efforts resulted in the development of a Section of Palliative
Care Medicine in the Department of Oncology in 1996; this appears to be
the first such service in the Arab world.
At present,
the multi-disciplinary team includes: three palliative care consultants,
six nurses, five translator/drivers, a palliative care nurse clinician,
and social workers. This team provides total care for the patient and
support for the family, as a unit. The program consults with other
health disciplines to provide the most appropriate care. The service
runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To date, over 1500 patients
living in Riyadh have been referred to the Home Health Care program. An
increasing number of other patients who live outside Riyadh are being
followed up in the Palliative Care outpatient clinics. While the Home
Health Care Program in Riyadh includes cases of chronic illness,
palliative care for a terminal illness makes up 75-80% of the workload.
At present, the program has between 40-50 terminally ill patients at any
one time being cared for at home in Riyadh. Ten in-patient beds are
provided in the hospital. Many patients require at least one admission
for the control of symptoms that cannot be managed at home, and for
stabilization of symptoms before being transferred either home or to a
hospital in the Kingdom. The average duration of stay has been 6-7 days.
are the aims of a good health service? The American President's
Commission for the study of ethical problems in medicine provided the
following definition: “to provide treatment that will restore patients
to as near normal or usual a quality of life as is possible under the
circumstances” or, put more simply, “to maximize the patient's
patient's perception of this is that the health services will: (1)
Restore them to good health, (2) Improve their ability to function (3)
Relieve their suffering (particularly if the first two are not
That we fail to cure all our patients, does
not mean that we should fail to care for them and relieve their
suffering. The purpose of a palliative care service at the KFSH&RC
is “the care and study of patients with active, progressive, far
advanced disease; for whom cure is impossible, the prognosis predictably
short, and the focus of care is the quality of life”. Palliative Care
has broadened the spectrum of health services available to cancer
patients in the Kingdom. It has proven that it is possible to provide
palliative care of a standard similar to that in a Western country.
Cultural aspects of life in the Middle East, particularly the strong
family bonds, the acceptance of matters of life and death, and the
emphasis on hospitality, actually enhance and promote this form of care,
which inspires Saudi families to care for dying patients until the end
of life.
1. Annual Report of the Tumor Registry. Oncology Department, MBC 64, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Riyadh. 1995
2. EMRO Technical Publications, series 20. Alexandria, Egypt: WHO Regional Office; 1995. WHO. Cancer Control in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.
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6. Bedikian AY, Saleh V. An Evaluation of the Need for Psychosocial counseling for Saudi Cancer Patients. King Faisal Specialist Hosp Med J. 1985;5:91–8.
7. Bedikian AY, Thompson SE. Saudi Community Attitudes Towards Cancer. Ann Saudi Med. 1985;5:161–7.
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10. Doyle D, Hanks GWC, MacDonald N. Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1993.
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Biomedical and Behavioural Research.
Articles from Journal of Family & Community Medicine are provided here courtesy of Medknow Publications
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