Palliative Care Extends Life, Study Finds
Published: August 18, 2010
In a study that sheds new light on the effects of end-of-life care, doctors have found that patients with terminal lung cancer
who began receiving palliative care immediately upon diagnosis not only
were happier, more mobile and in less pain as the end neared — but they
also lived nearly three months longer.
The findings, published online Wednesday by The New England Journal of Medicine,
confirmed what palliative care specialists had long suspected. The
study also, experts said, cast doubt on the decision to strike
end-of-life provisions from the health care overhaul passed last year.
“It shows that palliative care is the opposite of all that rhetoric about ‘death panels,’ ” said Dr. Diane E. Meier, director of the Center to Advance Palliative Care at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and co-author of an editorial
in the journal accompanying the study. “It’s not about killing Granny;
it’s about keeping Granny alive as long as possible — with the best
quality of life.”
In the three-year study, 151 patients with fast-growing lung cancer at Massachusetts General, one of the nation’s top hospitals,
were randomly assigned to get either oncology treatment alone or
oncology treatment with palliative care — pain relief and other measures
intended to improve a patient’s quality of life. They were followed
until the end of 2009, by which time about 70 percent were dead.
Those getting palliative care from the start, the authors said, reported
less depression and happier lives as measured on scales for pain,
nausea, mobility, worry and other problems. Moreover, even though
substantially fewer of them opted for aggressive chemotherapy
as their illnesses worsened and many more left orders that they not be
resuscitated in a crisis, they typically lived almost three months
longer than the group getting standard care, who lived a median of nine
Doctors and patients “traditionally see palliative care as something
extended to a hospitalized patient in the last week of life,” said Dr.
Jennifer S. Temel, an oncologist and author of the paper. “We thought it
made sense to start them at the time of diagnosis. And we were thrilled
to see such a huge impact. It shows that palliative care and cancer
care aren’t mutually exclusive.”
Dr. Atul Gawande, a Harvard Medical School surgeon and writer who just published a long article in The New Yorker about hospitalized patients’ suffering before death, called the study “amazing.”
“The field was crying out for a randomized trial,” he added.
Although the study could not determine why the patients lived longer,
the authors and other experts had several theories: depression is known
to shorten life, and patients whose pain is treated often sleep better,
eat better and talk more with relatives. Also, hospitals are dangerous
places for very sick people; they may get fatal blood infections, pneumonia or bedsores, or simply be overwhelmed by the powerful drugs and radiation attacking their cancer.
Saying the study was “of critical importance,” Dr. R. Sean Morrison,
president of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine,
said it was the “first concrete evidence of what a lot of us have seen
in our practices — when you control pain and other symptoms, people not
only feel better, they live longer.”
There is sometimes tension between medical specialties, since surgeons
and oncologists often view cancer as a battle, while palliative care
specialists are seen as “giving up.”
Palliative care typically begins with a long conversation about what the
patient with a terminal diagnosis wants out of his remaining life. It
includes the options any oncologist addresses: surgery, chemotherapy and
radiation and their side effects. But it also includes how much
suffering a patient wishes to bear, effects on the family, and legal,
insurance and religious issues. Teams focus on controlling pain,
nausea, swelling, shortness of breath
and other side effects; they also address patients’ worries and make
sure they have help with making meals, dressing and bathing when not
Hospice care is intensive palliative care including home nursing, but insurers and Medicare
usually cover it only if the patient abandons medical treatment and two
doctors certify that death is less than six months away.
During the debate over President Obama’s
2009 health care bill, provisions to have Medicare and insurers pay for
optional consultations with doctors on palliative and hospice care led
to rumors, spread by talk-show hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and by the former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, that the bill empowered “death panels” that would “euthanize” elderly Americans.
Legislators eventually removed the provisions. In practice, Medicare and
private insurers do pay for some palliative care, said Dr. Gail Austin
Cooney, a former president of the palliative medicine academy. “But it’s
piecemeal,” she said. “The billing is complicated, and for many
physicians that’s enough of a deterrent to not bother.”
Dr. Cooney herself had such care along with surgery and chemotherapy for ovarian cancer in 2008.
“I decided I wanted every drop of chemotherapy they could give me, and
it was very painful, dumping the drugs directly into my belly,” she
said. She needed powerful painkillers, and also chose
alternative-medicine options like acupuncture and “energy work” for nausea and fatigue.
“I’m rigid — I had my last chemo treatment on Christmas Eve because I
wanted it on the day I was due for it,” she said. “But I couldn’t have
completed the program without the psychosocial support.”
Palliative care experts now want to study patients with other cancers, heart disease, stroke, dementia and emphysema. But the National Institutes of Health
is under budget pressure, and the other major source of money for
medical research, the pharmaceutical industry, has little incentive to
study palliative care. This trial was paid for by the American Society
of Clinical Oncology and private philanthropy.
“Philanthropists tend to focus on curing cancer,” Dr. Temel said. “But we can’t ignore people who need end-of-life care.”
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