Place of death in haematological malignancy: variations by disease sub-type and time from diagnosis to death.
Department of Health Sciences, University of York, York YO10 5DD, UK.
reasons patients with haematological malignancies die in hospital more
often than those with other cancers is the subject of much speculation.
We examined variations in place of death by disease sub-type and time
from diagnosis to death, to identify groups of 'at-risk' patients.
study is based in the United Kingdom within the infrastructure of the
Haematological Malignancy Research Network (HMRN), a large on-going
population-based cohort including all patients newly diagnosed with
haematological malignancies in the north of England. Diagnostic,
demographic, prognostic, treatment and outcome data are collected for
each patient and individuals are 'flagged' for death. This study
includes all adults (≥18 years) diagnosed 1st September 2004 to 31st
August 2010 (n = 10,325), focussing on those who died on/before 31st
August 2012 (n = 4829).
Most deaths occurred in
hospital (65.9%), followed by home (15.6%), nursing home (11%) and
hospice (7.5%) and there was little variation by diagnostic sub-type
overall. Differences in place of death were, however, observed by time
from diagnosis to death, and this was closely related to sub-type; 87.7%
of deaths within a month of diagnosis happened in hospital and these
largely occurred in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia, diffuse large
B-cell lymphoma and myeloma. Patients surviving longer, and
particularly beyond 1 year, were less likely to die in hospital and this
corresponded with an increase in the proportion of home deaths.
from diagnosis to death was clearly a major determinant of place of
death and many patients that died within three months of diagnosis did
so in hospital. This was closely related to disease sub-type, with early
deaths occurring most notable in the more aggressive diseases. This is
likely to be due to a combination of factors including acute
presentation, rapid disease progression without transition to a palliative
approach to care and complications of treatment. Nonetheless, hospital
deaths also occurred frequently in indolent diseases, suggesting that
other factors were likely to contribute to the large proportion of
hospital deaths overall. More evidence is needed to fully understand
these complex cancers.
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